Red flags in a business meeting

In an enlightening series of short clips entitled Bridging Gaps- SawaalKa Saamana, Manisha and Salil speak about the challenges start-ups and business owners face and how to solve them. In this episode, wetalk about the Red Flags to watch out for in a business meeting.

Being late: Whether you are meeting a client at their office or at a café, make sure you are never late. Being late for a meeting indicates no respect for your own time or other people’s time. It is disrespectful and shows your lack of professionalism.

Do your homework: Before any business meeting, big or small, make sure you are adequately prepared. Find out everything you can about the client you are meeting, what they do and who they are. Walking into a business meeting without knowing anything about the client is a sure recipe for disaster.

Know your competition:There is nothing more embarrassing than your client giving you a list of reasons why your competition is better than you. Know your competition and prepare yourself to answer why you should be selected instead of them. Even if they are bigger or cheaper or have more experience, being prepared will help you answer why you should be chosen. Your reason could be as simple as being more accessible, providing better after-sales service, or treating your employees with more dignity. Doing your homework goes a long way in clinching a deal.

So, make sure that you are not a bearer of RED FLAGS when you meet your clients or prospective customers.

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